
Ahaha. Outdated

Hai nazrin, its me Leemen. Wawa. Howayouh? Hey guys, so far superfly did win a match against bullets and superfly juniour. Annnnd we did lose against atrox n legend. Indeed we played well. Our next match will be on first may. Tomorrow, against dining hall united. Hope we will win for a third place! Bbq for celebration!

One more thing my friends and i did celebrate our gp teacher for his birthday. On his cake was written, "... from your awesomely horrible student." ahahaha. AS exam is soon... Less than 15 days. I still dont have enough revision. Can i cover everything in 15 days? I can. Hopefully si awang nazrin did his revision already. Yes nazrin?

Lets achieve for success! Oh yeah, i havent told so many, gonno continue next time. (:

To nazrin, sorry zrin, i got carried away posting this. Wewe. Bh, blajar, suk aku na skulah x. x( see u suk ptg. Wawawa.